BayPath Elder Services, Inc:
BayPath's mission is to be a trusted partner in providing an array of services and programs to older adults, caregivers, and persons with disabilities to support their independence and dignity.
BayPath Elder Services, Inc. and its programs are funded in whole or in part by contracts with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA), funds from the Older Americans Act, and donations and grants from businesses, foundations and individuals.
At BayPath we have an Information Department that will answer your questions with dignity and professionalism. Trained specialists are available Monday through Friday from 9:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to answer questions and provide referrals to local, statewide, and national services. Information and Referral questions are free. Over 1,200 resources are available to callers ranging from emergency funding to fuel assistance to home adaptive devices and installation.
BayPath's Information and Referral (I&R) Department is a member of the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems, Inc. (AIRS), a professional organization committed to improving access to services for all people through the mechanism of information and referral.
•Care management
•Homemaking, home-delivered meals
•Health promotion activities
•Support to councils on aging and senior centers
•Legal help
•Senior employment
Aid to the visually and hearing impaired
•Mental health counseling
Community Grants
As a designated Area Agency on Aging, BayPath receives federal funds under the Older Americans Act. We make grants to community organizations to support home delivered meals, legal services, transportation, mental health, health education and fitness, and services for the visually impaired.