A newsbasket is on-line Internet publication containing comprehensive aggregated collections of information.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Aging & Driving: Making Informed Decisions That Support Independence & Safety | Griswold

 Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013  Griswold Home Care
Aging & Driving: Making Informed Decisions That Support Independence & Safety
By Christopher G. Kelly, MEd Senior Care Advice

aging and driving“It is easy to say, ‘just give up the keys’. It is important for me to stay active, and if I don’t drive I am stuck in the house forever. I can’t live that way.” – Quote from older adult driver

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Avoid Getting Sick from Your Food | National Institute on Aging

Avoid Getting Sick from Your Food | National Institute on Aging: Avoid Getting Sick from Your Food

For an older person, a food-related illness can be life threatening. As you age, you have more trouble fighting off microbes. Health problems, like diabetes or kidney disease, also make you more likely to get sick from eating foods that are unsafe. So if you are over age 65, be very careful about how food is prepared and stored.

 For recommended refrigerator and freezer storage times for common foods, download our Storing Cold Food tip sheet (PDF, 75K).

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Your Seniors Net Worth

Your Seniors Net Worth: http://www.eldercareteam.com

Unless your parent is single (or divorced or widowed) and has few or no assets, you will have to know his or her financial situation before you can make long term care plans. Except for those with very low income and almost no assets, in the United States long term care is primarily a private pay affair. How do you know what your parent can afford?

You calculate their net worth, and look at where the money is. Is it in a place where you can access it easily, such as a bank account? Will it be "liquid" within a matter of months or a few years, such as in a CD? Will your parent take a large loss if you have to liquidate something prematurely, such as stocks or bonds? Are most of your parent's assets tied up in real estate? You need to know this before you can make some important decisions.

Use the Senior Net Worth Estimator to begin your calculations. With this information you will be able to plan realistically and productively. Remember that for a host of reasons it makes most sense to use your parent's funds before your own when paying for care.

Download the Senior Net Worth Estimator

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Quick & Easy Tip: Help A Senior Who is No Longer Driving | Ensemble of Care Café

Quick & Easy Tip: Help A Senior Who is No Longer Driving | Ensemble of Care Café: It’s hard to imagine a day without our cars to get us where we need to go.

Think about the mature adults in your life–maybe a neighbor or friend, mom or dad, grandma or grandpa–who are feeling lonely and cut-off from the world because they just aren’t getting around like they used to. Many times, older adults stay home and remain isolated when they stop or limit their driving.

Take a minute to think about how you would get to the places you needed to go if you could not use your car this week. Oh my, this takes a bit of planning doesn’t it? What if you need to haul some groceries home? Wow, there may be some loopholes you never thought out!

If you want to lend a helping hand to a senior in your life, here’s one way you can help out that is fairly quick and easy. Simply fill out the chart we’ve prepared below and hand it off to your someone special. We’ve created a sample to guide you. Let us know how they liked it!


(800) 974-1323 | Lake County | EnsembleofCare.com
Local Transportation Options Worksheet

Sunday, October 20, 2013

10 Things You Need to Know About Debts After Death, Part 2

10 Things You Need to Know About Debts After Death, Part 2: 10 Things You Need to Know About Debts After Death, Part 2 of 2
October 18, 2013 By Kathryn Flanigan

piggy bank on cash  When a loved one dies, do their debts die with them? The answer is, it depends. Following are the second 5 of 10 things you need to know about debts after the death of a loved one:

Wait to distribute assets. No assets from the estate should be distributed until all debts are settled. If assets are distributed and there is not enough left in the estate to handle outstanding debts, the heirs could become responsible for the debts.

Work with a probate attorney.  When it comes to questions about debts after death, the law can be complicated in community property states like California.  It is best to contact a probate attorney for help.
The Flanigan Law Group provides Southern California residents with personal attention for estate planning, administration and litigation legal services.  When disputes between families, arise, they are very successful in resolving legal estate issues quickly and efficiently while preserving financial and emotional resources.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Links | GeriPal - Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog

Links | GeriPal - Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog: Home

We are populating a new list of links for national geriatrics and palliative care organizations (in addition to the blog role that is on our main page). Let us know if you have other sites that you think should be on this list!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Jewish Family Service of Metrowest (JFS) social, health and community services to people in need.

Our Services | ElderCare: Home

We provide a wide range of services to the elderly, helping clients maintain independence and self-esteem, address present needs, and plan for the future. Caregivers need support too! You and your family members have enormous demands on your time and energy. We'll help relieve your worries. Guidance, support, and concrete services are provided at the highest personal and professional standards, helping your relative age with dignity.

Here is a great article on the growing elder care crisis in America today and how Baby Boomers are now the primary caregivers to their aging parents. Click here to read more.

Our Mission
Nuestros Servicios
Care Management
Home Care
Healthy Partners
Friendly Visitors
Patient Navigator

Services | Metrowest Accounting and Tax Solutions :: Babineau CPA, LLC

Services | Metrowest Accounting and Tax Solutions :: Babineau CPA, LLC: Babineau CPA offers a complete range of accounting services. Some of our clients engage us for “full cycle” bookkeeping: recording cash receipts and disbursements, reconciling bank statements, preparing payroll and preparing monthly financial statements. Other clients hire us for part of this process. We work with each client on an individual basis to develop custom solutions for a common goal: creating and maintaining an accounting system that allows the clients to efficiently and profitably operate their business.

Our firm can prepare financial statements for use by banks, investors or simply to help business owners manage their business.
Tax Preparation, Planning and Representation

We prepare federal and state individual, partnership, corporate and fiduciary income tax returns for clients all over the country. Our goal is to see that our clients pay the legal minimum amount of tax.

Besides assisting clients with federal and state tax filing requirements, we also offer tax planning services. We help clients project potential future tax liabilities, develop strategies for minimizing tax burdens, and plan for adequate cash flows to satisfy tax debts.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Caregivers' Newsbasket Blog

Caregivers' Newsbasket Blog: Caregivers' Newsbasket Blog

Ish's, Ishmael's, Knowledge Network: News, Articles. Items of interest to Carers and Caregivers dealing with Alzheimer's Disease and ElderCare

Friday, September 27, 2013

inflatable moving and handling and bathing equipment

About - Mangar | Mangar - - page.php: Established in 1981, Mangar International is a world leader in the design, manufacture and supply of inflatable moving and handling and bathing equipment. We are an award winning company who serve a global healthcare market.

To enable people to retain their independence and dignity
To reduce strain and injury risk for carers

We achieve these by designing products and rehabilitation equipment for disabled and elderly people to help with everyday tasks such as getting in and out of bed, taking a bath, and lifting a fallen person from the floor.

 Elk Inflatable Emergency Lifting Cushion  approx: $2300.00

Elk Lifting Cushion

The Mangar Elk is a lifting cushion designed to lift a person from the floor with the help of only one person

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

An Interview with Jaime Estremera-Fitzgerald about Area Agencies on Aging

An Interview with Jaime Estremera-Fitzgerald: Jaime Estremera-Fitzgerald: Area Agencies on Aging were set up to oversee the whole older Americans Act system, which is really to keep having support and services available in every county in America for seniors and their caregivers as they age in place. That’s the key. And the mission has always been to keep people at home for as long as possible, with dignity and independence.

The new designation of Aging and Disability Resource Centers speaks to a whole national movement of bringing together all the pieces that older Americans are involved with as they age. And many Americans in this country have children that are disabled, who themselves have aged quite a bit. They may even be seniors. And guess what? The seniors, the parents or family members are now older themselves and they’re developing problems and needs.

Coping with Death for Carers and Professionals

Coping with Death for Carers and Professionals: Coping with death is something we have to learn to do.....

Grief and Sympathy is written by , Elizabeth Postle (usually known as Betty). The site  is built and edited by Lesley Postle .

When you join the caring professions, whether as a nurse or a doctor, a paramedic, or a police officer, you are going to have to accept that you will come across death in your line of work.

Your roles are some of the most rewarding in the world, and you will gain immense satisfaction working in the caring professions. But coping with death is something that we have to learn to do. It is not easy, but by supporting each other, we can learn to deal with it and stay positive.

There are many emotional highs and lows in our jobs. When someone recovers or is rescued from a dangerous position, you will feel on top of the world. Other days, you will have some terrible lows when someone dies or is badly injured. You will have to cope with many grieving relatives and people in shock. It is never easy.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Interior Organization | Clear the Clutter and Simplify Life

Interior Organization | Clear the Clutter and Simplify Life

 Interior Organization is a Professional Organization Firm providing organizing services and products to residential and commercial clients in the Greater Detroit Area.  Our goal is to provide exceptional Professional Organizing services to our clients by restoring function and accessibility to spaces both small and large. We help put the joy back into places that have been a source of stress or disfunction.

 Holly Amato holly@interiororganization.com

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Marlborough, MA. Create A Better Day Café

Caregivers' Newsbasket Blog: Create A Better Day Café will be held the 4th Sunday of each month from 1:00pm to 3:00pm
at Pleasantries Adult Day Services 195 Reservoir Street
Marlborough, MA.
Call Tammy for more information at 508-335-1968

 Are you caring for someone with Alzheimer's or other dementia?  Create A Better Day Café encourages socialization with other caregivers and loved ones where you can just be yourself. This is a wonderful opportunity to get out with your loved one and have an enjoyable afternoon.  It's a time to step out of the daily routine, leave the disease at the door, and enjoy a positive experience in a supportive environment.  The afternoon will consist of conversation, music, arts, games, refreshments, and most importantly, laughter. There is no cost.  It is open to anyone at any stage of the disease process accompanied by friends, family, and loved ones.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Nursing News: Nurses Setting Up Primary Care Practices | LeAnn Thieman

Nursing News: Nurses Setting Up Primary Care Practices | LeAnn Thieman: If the proposals, which face opposition from some physicians’ groups, succeed, the number of states allowing nurses to practice without any type of physician supervision would increase from 16 to 30, in addition to the District.

The legislation being proposed could spur tens of thousands of nurses to set up primary-care practices that would be virtually indistinguishable from those run by doctors. The last big legislative push of this type, a state-by-state effort that began in the late 1980s, sputtered by the early 1990s. This time, however, the campaign is being coordinated nationally by the Nurse Practioners Association and other nursing groups and is getting a critical boost from state officials concerned about the 2010 health-care law’s looming impact on the availability of doctors.

Beginning in January 2014, about 27 million uninsured Americans are expected to get coverage under the law, contributing to a projected shortage of about 45,000 primary-care physicians by 2020, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Driving Miss Daisy North Shore / North Burnaby Team | “Through the door” Personalized Transportation & Accompaniment Service

Driving Miss Daisy North Shore / North Burnaby Team | “Through the door” Personalized Transportation & Accompaniment Service: “Through the door” Personalized Transportation & Accompaniment Service. We offer our clients independence, security and peace of mind. We are a part of an award-winning Corporation which was founded in January 2002 in Alberta by Bev Halisky and expanded its services to BC, Ontario and Saskatchewan. Driving Miss Daisy Corporate Website

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Discussing Homecare with Your Loved One | Living Assistance Services

Discussing Homecare with Your Loved One | Living Assistance Services:
Discussing Homecare with Your Loved One
May 21st, 2013

Here are three questions for you to consider…

1) How do you help your elderly loved one get past family customs and cultural beliefs, to accept assistance in their homes?

2) How do you tell your loved one that you and your siblings are concerned about them living alone at home?

     3)    How do you help them keep their independence without appearing to be interfering in their lives or making decisions for them?

These are issues that will not go away with time. To the contrary, everyone involved should be proactive about such complicated topics. With advance planning, and open and frank discussions within the family, the problem-solving process can work quite well. However, it will take some concerted effort on the part of you,

read more
 Discussing Homecare with Your Loved One | Living Assistance Services:

5 Things You Need to Know When Your Loved One is in ICU

5 Things You Need to Know When Your Loved One is in ICU
By Susan Montminy, MSN, RN and Meredith Dodge, MSN, RN

read full story
It is the middle of the night and the phone rings. Your family member has been in a car accident and is rushed to the hospital. He is currently in the intensive care unit (ICU). You race to the hospital and are met by the intensive care doctor. All you hear is “critical, unstable, and surgery.” Later, as you sit out in the waiting room, you wonder, What can I do to help my loved one through this?
This article contains key information on assisting family members survive when a loved one is in the intensive care unit. Communication, decision making, multi-disciplinary meetings, pain/comfort, and sleep are discussed. Hopefully, knowing this information will help you and your loved one have a positive experience and survive your time in the ICU.
Thorough communication is the best tool that you have when your loved one is in the ICU. You are going to be overwhelmed with information from many different people. Here are some tips to help you understand everything that you are being told.
  • Write everything down. During this stressful time, it is difficult for you to process all of the information you are given. If you write everything down, you can read it at a later time and absorb what you are reading.
  • Have someone with you. If you have a second set of ears to listen to what you are being told, then you can discuss it afterwards to be sure that you heard everything that was said.
  • Nurses are excellent resources and can assist you in many ways. If at all possible, make sure that the nurse is present when having discussions with the doctor. The nurse can help to explain medical terminology or translate what was discussed so that you can understand it better.
  • Keep an open line of communication with your nurse. Nurses are patient advocates and can help make sure that the patient’s wishes are carried out. Communicate openly and honestly with your loved one’s nurse; let him or her know your questions and thoughts. Nurses can better assist you if they know what you are struggling with.
  • The Internet is not always the best resource. While looking up information on the Internet may be helpful for you to better understand certain things; the internet can be overwhelming because it has so much extra information on it. This extra information can leave you confused and stressed; often the worst case scenarios are included in your search results. Listen to what the doctors are telling you about your loved one. They are looking at the entire picture, not just the specific disease or injury.
The bottom line is that open communication with all members of the healthcare team will help you to better understand what is going on with your loved one.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Downsizing: Tips for Seniors Moving to a Smaller Home | Orange County Active Seniors

Downsizing: Tips for Seniors Moving to a Smaller Home | Orange County Active Seniors: By Austin Kilham, Caring.com author

If you’re a boomer or even a little older, your kids have likely grown and moved on to their own homes. Maybe you’re feeling like an empty nester, or maybe taking care of a large house is feeling harder and you’re looking to simplify your life. In either case, you may be considering downsizing to a smaller home or even an independent living community.

Moving is always stressful, and it can feel even more so when you have to condense your life into a smaller space. The process can be emotionally and physically challenging as you decide what to keep and what has to go. We spoke with Donna Quinn Robbins, CEO of Ultimate Moves and author of Moving Mom and Dad, for insights into how to make the process run smoothly.

Have a plan. It’s important to be organized, says Robbins. “If you’re not organized, everything is scattered: You’re scattered, the house is scattered.” Make a list of everything you need to do and p

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Eldercare Services for Veterans

Eldercare Services for Veterans

Senior Care Answers: When is Memory Loss More Than Old Age?

Senior Care Answers: When is Memory Loss More Than Old Age?

 One of the early signs that many family members notice is difficulty with financial or other tasks which require "complex thinking".  You have to compare this to a baseline (i.e. if your Dad always handled the bills and checkbook, but has now begun missing payments) and "getting scammed" is not always an indication of dementia.  However, these indicators may warrant some changes, before bigger problems occur.
Some signs to watch for if you are worried about memory loss (these can also go hand-in-hand with physical impairments or other senior care issues):
  • Spoiled food in the refrigerator, difficulty preparing meals or dealing with appliances properly, forgetting to turn off the stove.
  • Missed appointments, trouble remembering dates and managing tasks and to-do's.
  • Significant changes in appearance and personal care.
  • Significant changes in household maintenance/care and cleanliness.
  • Medication misuse (signs might include unfilled prescriptions, pill bottles in disarray, inability to explain what a medicine is for or when/how it is to be taken).
  • For more signs, grab a free copy of our "Warning Signs" evaluation checklist:
Senior Care Warning Signs:Evaluation Checklist

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

MyAgingFolks - Support for Caregivers. Senior-Care Answers. Expert advice.

MyAgingFolks - Support for Caregivers. Senior-Care Answers. Expert advice.

FREE -  Support & Answers for senior care and elderlaw questions

About MyAgingFolks.com

Professional eldercare advice for your loved one is our #1 concern
     MyAgingFolks.com is a resource for adult children finding themselves in the challenging role of caregiver for an aging parent.
      Our services are all designed to support family caregivers involved with eldercare issues. Whether the help you need is advice, an expert answer, a service recommendation, a financial or legal decision, our network of independent professionals (e.g. geriatric care managers, doctors, nurses, Medicare/Medicaid specialists, financial advisors, physical therapists, lawyers, etc.) can help you thrive in your role as caregiver.
      MyAgingFolks.com is independently owned and operated. We are neither affiliated with nor accept advertising from insurance companies, residential facilities, or health-care services. You can rest assured that your selection of a professional at MyAgingFolks.com is a person who best matches your needs. 

---Professionals: Connect with Caregivers Near You

Information collected content from various Internet sources and consolidated on Ish's Knowledge Network http://tinyurl.com/4qqekc6 

We have no control of how you may use information you get from this site and does not attest to the validity of any information found within. Much of this information comes from third parties (Google.com, Bing.com). Use advice your own risk. Our goal is to print only valuable information and advice.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Power of attorney: It’s easily abused - Elizabeth O'Brien's Retire Well - MarketWatch

Power of attorney: It’s easily abused - Elizabeth O'Brien's Retire Well - MarketWatch: It’s a standard part of estate planning. It’s also, according to experts on elder fraud, a license to steal. It’s the power of attorney, a legal instrument designed to give a trusted individual the authority to handle financial or health matters for the person creating it.

As their own parents grow older—and, in many cases, lose the capacity to make their own financial and medical decisions—growing numbers of baby boomers are beginning to wrestle with the intricacies and pitfalls of the power of attorney. And of course, the day may not be too far off when they themselves may have to trust someone else with those powers. “They have great value and opportunity to misuse,” said Randy Thomas, a former police officer in Columbia, South Carolina who lectures nationally on elder financial abuse.

Estate plans usually involve what’s known as a “durable” power of attorney. These allow the trusted individual—legally, the “agent”—to retain power of attorney even when the person who created the document—the “principal”—has become incapacitated. A general power of attorney expires when the principal has lost capacity; these are usually limited to a certain transaction, such as a real estate closing or the license-plate example above. All powers of attorney expire when the principal dies

Friday, March 15, 2013

Old age should not be approached with horror | Carers Chill4us

Old age should not be approached with horror | Carers Chill4us: Old age should not be approached with horror

A new report provides a passport for older life that does not treat over-60s as liabilities

Thursday 14 March 2013

Ageing is no longer an orderly chronological process; anarchy rules. Photograph: Graham Turner for the Guardian

Ageing is a strange and foreign country described mostly in negative terms in guide books for those whom, much to their surprise, find themselves lost in its hinterland, often unsuitably dressed and without a compass. A youth-obsessed society that makes a mint from mining the alleged horrors of growing older – all sag and no sagacity – has locked us into a set of taboos that means millions of us are moving from middle age into possibly decades of allegedly unproductive, dependent, parked-up old age without sufficient armament or attitude of mind to challenge prevailing prejudices. Except that today we may literally have been thrown the semblance of a lifeline.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

From Grief Comes A Mission To Make Estate Planning Less Daunting : NPR

Estate planning may seem like a pain, but imagine the mess you leave to those managing your affairs if you don't draw up a will or get life insurance.

"It takes really just a few hours now, rather than a pile of hours and thousands of dollars to do it later when you really need it done," says Chanel Reynolds, who created a website geared to help people get their affairs in order.

Her site — which is a NSFW riff on "get your stuff together" — features a checklist and templates for some key documents, including a will, living will and power of attorney.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

April fools in February? – US News and World Reports 2013 Best Nursing Homes Report | Senior Housing Forum

April fools in February? – US News and World Reports 2013 Best Nursing Homes Report | Senior Housing Forum: April fools in February? – US News and World Reports 2013 Best Nursing Homes Report
 27 February, 2013 by Steve Moran |


Here is Steve Moran's  take after reading the article and browsing the list:
  • US News & World Report has done a shabby job of reporting.  In fact, they didn’t do any serious reporting or they would have been more cautious about equating a 5 star rating with the highest quality care.
  • It confirms that the 5 star system continues to be flawed.  This is not to say it has no value, but I would argue that at best, it’s value is primarily as a early detection tool to identify and rule out terrible nursing homes.
  • The one reliable conclusion you can draw from the list is that the highly rated skilled buildings are experts at getting a high rating 5 star rating.
  • There are some really great skilled nursing buildings in California and other states that don’t have a 5 star rating.  In fact often these buildings take on patients with complex problems and get terrific results, but because those patients are complex it hurts their star rating.

 an invitation to a twitter chat about the report.    join the conversation.

The editor of the report also responded to the article in the comments and you might want to check that out.

Here is the information you need to join the conversation
Date: Thursday, March 7
Time: 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. EST
Hashtag: #BestNursingHomes
Host: @USNewsHealth

What To Do After You've Been Hacked | Gadget Lab | Wired.com

What To Do After You've Been Hacked | Gadget Lab | Wired.com: What to Do After You’ve Been Hacked

By Mat Honan
6:00 AM

Reset Your Passwords
Immediately change the password on the affected service, and any others that use the same or similar password. And, really, don’t reuse passwords. You should be changing your passwords periodically anyway as a part of routine maintenance. But if you’ve just been hacked, it’s now more urgent. This is especially true if you reuse passwords, or use schemes that result in similar passwords (like 123Facebook, 123Linkedin, 123Google).
“Password reuse is one of the great evils and its very hard to prevent,” says PayPal’s principal scientist for consumer security Markus Jakobsson. Sites can set up password requirements — for example a character length or that a password include symbols and numbers — but they cannot force people into not reusing the same or similar passwords. “It’s very common for people to use similar or the same password but it’s very rare for people to realize that it creates a liability for them to do it and that they need to change their password after they’ve been hacked.”

Monday, March 4, 2013

National Senior Organizations - retirement resources directory.pdf

National Senior Organizations - retirement resources directory.pdf
  This is a publication of Suffolk Libraries Career and Resource Exchange (CARE), a committee of RASD, 2008. Disclaimer: At the time of publication, all websites listed in this directory were verified. The CARE Committee cannot be responsible for change of addresses or information


 √ Are you retired or thinking about retirement?

 √ Want to explore your options?

 √ Hoping to make a career change ?

 √ Interested in developing new skills?

 √ Concerned about your financial future?

 √ Considering relocation? If you have answered yes to any of the above, read on.

 The Retirement Resources Directory can help you in your research process! Locate the many services and resources available on both a local and national level .

 Contributors Include : Susan Altman Vicki Lever Serena Brooks Elizabeth Malafi Denise DiPaolo Grace O’Connor Roche lle Freed Fred Strum Susan Guerin Edna Susman Susa n Holden Barbara Sussman Margaret King Nancy Zulkofske Linda Knel

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Free Legal Assistance Services in Massachusetts

Free Legal Assistance
- in Massachusetts -
Click on a program name for more information:
Free Legal Assistance
Legal Services and other non-profit organizations give free legal assistance to low-income and elderly Massachusetts residents. Legal Services and other organizations also help noncitizens with immigration problems. In addition, several organizations offer free online and telephone hotline legal help with housing, public benefits, elder rights, family law, health care, and other issues important to Massachusetts residents.
Legal Services Programs

Legal Services programs throughout Massachusetts provide free legal assistance to low-income and elderly residents. Legal Services programs offer legal help with housing issues, government benefits, family law, and other non-criminal legal issues.
Legal Help Online / Hotline

Several legal organizations provide free online legal information and telephone hotlines for Massachusetts residents with legal questions about housing, public benefits, consumer law, elder law, education, tax credits, and health care.
Legal Help for Immigrants

Massachusetts immigrants can get low-cost or free legal help with green card applications, deportation proceedings, asylum cases, family-based visa petitions, citizenship, and other immigration matters. Organizations that provide legal help for immigrants offer counseling, application assistance, referrals, and legal representation.
Legal Help - Specialized

Several legal organizations in Massachusetts give free legal help to residents with specific types of legal problems:

Health Law Advocates helps people who have legal problems concerning health insurance or medical care.
Harvard Legal Aid Bureau provides free legal help to low income residents of Suffolk and Middlesex counties who have civil legal problems involving housing, family law, government benefits, and wage and hour issues
Children's Law Center of Massachusetts gives free legal representation to children and youth in crisis who are unable to afford a private lawyer
HIV/AIDS Legal Services agencies help HIV-positive residents handle legal matters related to their HIV status
Disability Law Center gives free legal assistance to Massachusetts residents with disabilities who have been discriminated against because of their disability

- See more at: http://www.massresources.org/legal.html#sthash.giUcSdN5.dpuf

Senior Agencies in Massachusetts | Aging Services, Access Points, Councils on Aging, Senior Centers

Senior Agencies in Massachusetts: Senior Agencies in Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, the following agencies offer help to seniors age 60 or older and their families, friends, and caregivers:

Aging Services Access Points
Councils on Aging / Senior Centers

NOTE: Glossary words are highlighted. Click on any glossary word to see its definition.
Aging Services Access Points

Aging Services Access Points (ASAPs) are one-stop entry points for all of the services and benefits available to seniors in Massachusetts. These agencies provide information, applications, direct services, and referrals.

ASAPs manage the state-based Massachusetts Home Care Program, and work with Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), established under the federal Older Americans Act, to make sure that seniors have access to all essential services. In Massachusetts, many senior agencies are combined ASAPs/AAAs.

Massachusetts Senior Centers

Abington Plymouth County Abington 781-982-2145
Acton Middlesex County Acton 978-264-9643
Acushnet Bristol County Acushnet 508-998-0210
Adams Berkshire County Adams 413-743-8333
Agawam Hampden County Agawam 413-789-3838
Amesbury--Council On Aging Essex County Amesbury 978-388-8138
Anna Defronzo Senior Center Suffolk County East Boston 617-569-4299
Area Agency On Aging Berkshire County Pittsfield 413-499-0524
Area Agency On Aging Berkshire County Pittsfield 800-544-5242
Area Agency On Aging Highland Valley Elder Service Hampshire County Northampton 800-322-0551
Ashburnham Worchester County Ashburnham 978-827-5000
Athol Senior Center Worchester County Athol 978-249-9001
Athol Worchester County Athol 978-249-2368
Auburn Worchester County Auburn 508-832-7798
Ayer Middlesex County Ayer 978-772-8260
Barnstable Barnstable County Hyannis 508-862-4004
Barre Worchester County Barre 978-355-5004
Bedford Bedford County Bedford 781-275-4880
Belchertown Hampshire County Belchertown 413-323-0419
Belmont Senior Center Middlesex County Belmont 617-484-5501
Bethany Community Services Essex County Haverhill 978-372-7597
Beverly Council On Aging Essex County Beverly 978-921-6058
Boston Elder Info Suffolk County Boston 617-292-4762
Boston Elder Info Suffolk County Boston 617-292-6211
Bourne Barnstable County Buzzards Bay 508-743-3004
Boxford Essex County Boxford 978-887-3591
Boylston Worcester County Boylston 508-869-2972
Boylston Worcester County Boylston 508-869-6563
Brewster Barnstable County Brewster 508-896-2737
Briarcliff Lodge Adult Day Program Essex County Lynn 781-598-4570
Bridgewater Plymouth County Bridgewater 508-697-0929
Brien Center Berkshire County Pittsfield 413-442-4978
Brien Center Berkshire County Great Barrington 413-528-9155
Brighton-Allston Elderly Homes Suffolk County Allston 617-783-5490
Brimfield Hampden County Brimfield 413-245-4103
Brockton Area Multi Services Inc Plymouth County Brockton 508-583-5963
Brookline Senior Center Norfolk County Brookline 617-730-2770
Brookline Norfolk County Brookline 617-730-2777
Callahan Senior Center Middlesex County Framingham 508-620-4819
Canton Norfolk County Canton 781-828-1323
Cape Cod Home Helpers Barnstable County South Dennis 508-394-7700
Carlisle Middlesex County Carlisle 978-369-0283
Carver Plymouth County Carver 508-866-4698
Carver Plymouth County Carver 508-866-9307
Casaubon Senior Center Worcester County Southbridge 508-765-1985
Central Mass Agency On Aging Worcester County West Boylston 508-852-5539
Charlestown Senior Center Suffolk County Charlestown 401-364-6998
Charlton Worcester County Charlton 508-248-2231
Chatham Elder Services Nutrition Site Barnstable County Chatham 508-945-1783
Chelmsford Senior Center Middlesex County Chelmsford 978-251-0533
Cheshire Senior Citizens Club Berkshire County Cheshire 413-743-9719
Chicopee City of Hampden County Chicopee 413-534-3698
Chilmark Dukes County Vineyard Haven 508-693-2896
Clinton Senior Citizens Center Worcester County Clinton 978-365-9416
Coastline Elderly Service Inc Bristol County North Dartmouth 508-992-7410
Concord Middlesex County Concord 978-318-3020
Cooperative Elder Services Middlesex County Concord 978-318-0055
Council On Aging Norfolk County Stoughton 781-344-8882
Council On Aging Essex County Nahant 781-599-0647
Council On Aging Worcester County Fitchburg 978-345-9598
Council On Aging Worcester County Gardner 978-630-4067
Council On Aging Drop In Norfolk County Braintree 781-848-1963
Covenant House Suffolk County Brighton 617-277-8932
Creative Alliance Inc-Elder Care Suffolk County Jamaica Plain 617-731-1414
Cummington Council On Aging Hampshire County Cummington 413-634-2262
Daka Elderly Nutrition Norfolk County Canton 781-821-2788
Dalton Berkshire County Dalton 413-684-2000
Danvers Senior Center Essex County Danvers 978-762-0208
Dartmouth Bristol County Dartmouth 508-999-4717
Deerfield Senior Day Center Norfolk County Wellesley 781-237-8877
Dighton Bristol County Dighton 508-823-0095
Ditson Street Senior Housing Inc Suffolk County Dorchester 617-822-2656
Dorn Davies Senior Center Plymouth County Brockton 508-583-2517
Douglas Senior Drop In Center Worcester County East Douglas 508-476-2283
Dover Council On Aging Norfolk County Dover 508-785-2119
Dracut Middlesex County Dracut 978-957-0129
Dudley Worcester County Dudley 508-949-8010
Dunstable Middlesex County Dunstable 978-649-3257
Duxbury Plymouth County Duxbury 781-934-5774
East Brookfield Senior Center Worcester County East Brookfield 508-867-0166
East Longmeadow Hampden County East Longmeadow 413-525-5437
Easthampton City of Hampshire County Easthampton 413-527-6151
Edgartown Dukes County Edgartown 508-627-4368
Elder Resources Middlesex County Newton 617-928-0200
Elder Service Plan Suffolk County Dorchester 617-296-5100
Elder Service Plan Essex County Lynn 781-581-0666
Elder Service Plan Of East Boston Neighborhood Health Center/Winthrop Commu Suffolk County East Boston 617-568-4602
Elder Service Plan of the North Shore Essex County Lynn 781-715-6608
Elder Services Mashpee Senior Dining Barnstable County Mashpee 508-477-0910
Elder Services of Cape Cod & the Island Inc Barnstable County Buzzards Bay 508-563-5966
Elder Services of Cape Cod & the Island Inc Barnstable County Pocasset 508-563-5966
Elder Services Of Cape Cod & The Islands Inc Barnstable County South Dennis 508-394-4630
Elder Services of Cape Cod & the Islands Inc Barnstable County Cataumet 508-563-5966
Elder Services of Cape Cod & the Islands Inc Dukes County Oak Bluffs 508-693-4393
Elder Services Of Worc Area Inc Worcester County Worcester 508-756-1545
Elder Services Senior Dining Center Barnstable County Provincetown 508-487-2700
ElderAid Norfolk County Brookline 617-566-1563
ElderLink Norfolk County Quincy 617-629-0700
Epoch Senior Living Inc Middlesex County Waltham 781-891-0777
Erving Senior Center Franklin County Erving 413-423-3308
Ethos Suffolk County Jamaica Plain 617-522-6700
Fairhaven Bristol County Fairhaven 508-993-9455
Fall River City of Bristol County Fall River 508-324-2711
Fall River City of Bristol County Fall River 508-324-2712
Fall River City of Bristol County Fall River 508-324-2715
Fall River City of Bristol County Fall River 508-324-2717
Falmouth Barnstable County Falmouth 508-540-0196
Family Care Program Of Cape Cod Hospital Barnstable County Hyannis 508-862-5405
Family Services Of Central Massachusetts Worcester County Worcester 508-756-4646
Foxboro Norfolk County Foxboro 508-543-1252
Framingham Middlesex County Framingham 508-532-5980
Franklin Norfolk County Franklin 508-520-4927
Freetown Council On Aging Bristol County Assonet 508-763-9084
Freetown Council On Aging Bristol County East Freetown 508-763-9557
Friends of Dennis Senior Citizens Barnstable County South Dennis 508-385-5376
Friends of the Harwich Council On Aging Inc Barnstable County Harwich 508-432-6872
Friends Of Worcester's Senior Center Worcester County Worcester 508-792-2948
Frontier Senior Center Franklin County South Deerfield 413-665-2141
Georgetown Essex County Georgetown 978-352-5757
Geriatric Care Managers Of New England Suffolk County Boston 617-426-3533
Geriatric Resource Centre Inc Middlesex County Newton 617-332-7610
Grafton Worcester County Grafton 508-839-5335
Greater Boston Elderly Legal Services Suffolk County Boston 617-371-1234
Greater Lawrence Retired Senior Volunteer Program Essex County Lawrence 978-686-9407
Greater Lynn Senior Services Middlesex County Medford 781-391-3130
Greater Lynn Senior Services Essex County Peabody 781-477-4237
Greater Lynn Senior Services Essex County Peabody 781-596-8222
Greater Springfield Senior Services Inc Hampden County Springfield 413-781-8800
Greenfield Senior Lunch Program Franklin County Greenfield 413-773-3146
Groton Middlesex County Groton 978-448-1170
Hadley Hampshire County Hadley 413-586-4023
Halifax Plymouth County Halifax 781-293-7313
Hardwick Worcester County Gilbertville 413-477-6700
Harvard Council On Aging Worcester County Harvard 978-456-4120
Hatfield Hampshire County Hatfield 413-247-9200
Haverhill City of Essex County Haverhill 978-373-6397
Highland Valley Elder Services Hampshire County Northampton 413-586-2000
Highland Valley Elder Services Area Agency On Aging Hampshire County Northampton 413-585-8160
Hinsdale Berkshire County Hinsdale 413-655-2245
Holden Worcester County Holden 508-829-0270
Holland Senior Center Hampden County Holland 413-245-3163
Holliston Middlesex County Holliston 508-429-0622
Holyoke City of Hampden County Holyoke 413-322-5625
Home Helpers Essex County Salem 978-745-0302
Hopedale Worcester County Hopedale 508-634-2208
Hudson Middlesex County Hudson 978-568-9638
Hull Plymouth County Hull 781-925-1239
Independent Living Solutions Essex County Manchester 978-526-4305
Jewish Family Service of the North Shore Essex County Salem 978-741-7878
Jewish Family Svc Of Metrowest Middlesex County Framingham 508-875-3100
Jewish Rehabilitation Center Of The North Shore Essex County Swampscott 781-598-5310
JML Care Center Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Barnstable County Falmouth 508-457-4621
Kingston Plymouth County Kingston 781-585-0511
Kit Clark Senior Services Suffolk County Boston 617-288-5089
Kit Clark Senior Services Suffolk County Dorchester 617-825-5000
Lakeville Plymouth County Lakeville 508-947-7224
Lakeville Council On Aging Plymouth County Lakeville 508-947-7224
Lancaster Worcester County Lancaster 978-365-2542
Lawrence - City of Essex County Lawrence 978-620-3540
Lee Central Enriched Housing Inc Berkshire County Lee 413-394-9802
Leominster Senior Citizens Drop-In Center Worcester County Leominster 978-534-7511
Leverett Senior CTR Franklin County Leverett 413-548-9410
Lexington Council On Aging Adult Daycare Program Middlesex County Lincoln 781-259-1807
Lincoln Middlesex County Lincoln 781-259-8811
Littleton Middlesex County Littleton 978-486-3120
Longmeadow Hampden County Longmeadow 413-565-2255
Lowell City of Middlesex County Lowell 978-446-7185
Ludlow Hampden County Ludlow 413-583-3564
Lunenburg Worcester County Lunenburg 978-582-4167
Lynn Council On Aging Senior Center Essex County Lynn 781-599-0110
Lynn Senior Services Greater Essex County Saugus 781-231-5648
Manchester-by-the-Sea Essex County Manchester 978-525-2860
Mansfield Bristol County Mansfield 508-261-7368
Marblehead Essex County Marblehead 781-631-2721
Marlborough City of Middlesex County Marlborough 508-485-6492
Mashpee Barnstable County Mashpee 508-539-1440
Mass Senior Action Council Suffolk County Boston 617-350-6722
Massachusetts Association For Older Americans Suffolk County Boston 617-426-0804
Mattapoisett Plymouth County Mattapoisett 508-758-2521
Maynard Middlesex County Maynard 978-897-1032
McNamara House Suffolk County Allston 617-783-5490
Meals On Wheels Berkshire County Pittsfield 800-544-5242
Meals On Wheels Store Franklin County South Deerfield 413-665-2901
Medway Norfolk County Medway 508-533-3210
Melrose Council On Aging Middlesex County Melrose 781-665-4304
Mendon Worcester County Mendon 508-478-6175
Merrimac Essex County Merrimac 978-346-9549
Merrimac Valley Nutrition Project Essex County North Andover 978-975-3884
Methuen City of Essex County Lawrence 978-983-8825
Middleboro Plymouth County Middleboro 508-946-2490
Middleton Essex County Middleton 978-777-4067
Milano Family Senior Ctr Middlesex County Melrose 781-662-6886
Millbury Worcester County Millbury 508-865-9154
Millis Norfolk County Millis 508-376-7040
Milton Norfolk County Milton 617-898-4893
Minute Men Senior Services Middlesex County Woburn 781-933-8643
Minuteman Senior Services Middlesex County Burlington 781-272-7177
Montague Senior Center Franklin County Turners Falls 413-863-9357
Montague-Gill Council On Aging Director's Franklin County Montague City 413-863-4500
Mystic Valley Elder Services Middlesex County Malden 781-324-7705
Nantucket Council On Aging Nantucket County Nantucket 508-228-4490
New Bedford City of Bristol County New Bedford 508-961-3100
New Bedford City of Bristol County New Bedford 508-979-1574
New Bedford City of Bristol County New Bedford 508-991-6143
New Bedford City of Bristol County New Bedford 508-991-6170
New Bedford City of Bristol County New Bedford 508-991-6177
New Bedford City of Bristol County New Bedford 508-991-6208
New Bedford City of Bristol County New Bedford 508-991-6211
New Bedford City of Bristol County New Bedford 508-991-6250
Newbury Essex County Newbury 978-462-8114
Norfolk Norfolk County Norfolk 508-528-1400
North Adams City of Berkshire County North Adams 413-662-3126
North Adams City of Berkshire County North Adams 413-663-3313
North Reading Middlesex County North Reading 978-664-5600
North Shore Elder Services Inc Essex County Danvers 978-750-4540
Northern Essex Elder Transport Essex County Amesbury 978-388-7474
Northfield Franklin County Northfield 413-498-2186
Norton Bristol County Norton 508-285-0235
Norwell Plymouth County Norwell 781-659-7878
Nutrition Program For Elderly Middlesex County Arlington 781-648-7500
Oakham Senior Center Worcester County Oakham 508-882-5251
Old Colony Elderly Svc Plymouth County Brockton 508-584-1561
Orleans Barnstable County Orleans 508-255-6333
Oxford Worcester County Oxford 508-987-6001
Palmer Hampden County Palmer 413-283-2670
Patterson Meredith Associates Middlesex County Concord 978-371-2071
Paxton Worcester County Paxton 508-756-2833
Pembroke Plymouth County Pembroke 781-293-6771
Peterborough Senior Center Suffolk County Boston 617-536-7154
Pittsfield City of Berkshire County Pittsfield 413-499-9346
Plymouth Plymouth County Plymouth 508-830-4170
Project Independence Adult Day Health Bristol County New Bedford 508-997-1441
Provincetown Barnstable County Provincetown 508-487-7064
Raynham Bristol County Raynham 508-824-2740
Rehoboth Bristol County Rehoboth 508-252-3372
Rochester Plymouth County Rochester 508-763-8723
Rockland Plymouth County Rockland 781-681-9284
Rose Baker Senior Center Essex County Gloucester 978-281-9765
Rowley Essex County Rowley 978-948-2231
Royal Home Services Barnstable County Bourne 508-759-0762
Rutland Council On Aging Worcester County Rutland 508-886-7945
Sandwich Barnstable County Sandwich 508-888-4737
Savoy Senior Center Berkshire County Savoy 413-743-0139
Scituate Plymouth County Scituate 781-545-8722
Seekonk Bristol County Seekonk 508-336-8772
Senior Center Berkshire County Great Barrington 413-528-1881
Senior Center & Council On Aging Hampden County Wilbraham 413-596-8379
Senior Health Center Suffolk County Cambridge 617-491-5020
Senior Resource Center Norfolk County Quincy 617-472-6600
Seniorcare Inc Meal Sites Essex County Manchester 978-526-7427
Seniorcare Inc- Meal Sites Essex County Gloucester 978-281-5128
Seniorcare Inc- Nutrition Program Essex County Gloucester 978-281-3454
Sharon Norfolk County Sharon 781-784-1530
Shelburne Senior Meals Program Franklin County Shelburne 413-625-6266
Sherborn Middlesex County Sherborn 508-651-7858
Shirley Middlesex County Shirley 978-425-2600
Sodexho Senior Services At Mt St Vincent Norfolk County Wellesley 781-416-1831
Somerset Bristol County Somerset 508-646-2833
Somerset Bristol County Fall River 508-679-0393
Somerville Cambridge Elder Services Suffolk County Cambridge 617-876-1624
Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services Middlesex County Somerville 617-628-2601
South Hadley Hampshire County South Hadley 413-538-5042
South Shore Elder Services Norfolk County Quincy 617-472-3665
South Shore Elder Services Norfolk County Weymouth 781-337-3320
South Shore Elder Services Norfolk County Braintree 781-848-8615
South Shore Elder Services Inc Worcester County Milford 617-296-2947
South Shore Senior Citizens Norfolk County Quincy 617-773-9280
Southampton Hampshire County Southampton 413-529-2105
Southbridge Worcester County Southbridge 508-764-5436
Spencer Worcester County Spencer 508-885-7546
Springfield - City of Hampden County Springfield 413-787-6124
Springfield Hobby Club Hampden County Springfield 413-739-4874
Stockbridge Berkshire County Stockbridge 413-298-3118
Sturbridge Senior's Friends The Worcester County Sturbridge 508-347-5481
Sturbridge Worcester County Sturbridge 508-347-5063
Swansea Bristol County Swansea 508-676-1831
Taunton City of Bristol County Taunton 508-821-1420
Tisbury Dukes County Vineyard Haven 508-696-4205
Townsend Middlesex County Townsend 978-597-1710
Truro Barnstable County Truro 508-487-2462
Tyngsboro Berkshire County Tyngsboro 978-649-9211
Union Towers Phase II Norfolk County Weymouth 781-335-3451
Up-Island Council On Aging Bristol County Westport 508-693-2896
Upton Worcester County Upton 508-529-4558
Uxbridge Worcester County Uxbridge 508-278-8622
Veronica Smith Senior Center Suffolk County Brighton 617-635-6120
Wakefield Council On Aging Middlesex County Wakefield 781-245-3312
Walden Rehabilitation And Nursing Center Middlesex County Concord 978-369-6889
Walpole Norfolk County Walpole 508-660-7200
Ware Hampshire County Ware 413-967-9645
Wareham Plymouth County Wareham 508-291-3130
Wayland Middlesex County Wayland 508-358-2990
Wellesley Norfolk County Wellesley 781-235-3961
West Boylston Worcester County West Boylston 508-835-6916
West Bridgewater Plymouth County West Bridgewater 508-894-1262
West Mass ElderCare Inc Hampden County Holyoke 800-462-2301
West Springfield Council On Aging Hampden County West Springfield 413-781-2214
Westford Middlesex County Westford 978-692-5523
Weston Middlesex County Weston 781-529-0203
Westport Bristol County Westport 508-636-1026
Whitman Plymouth County Whitman 781-447-7619
Williamsburg Hampshire County Williamsburg 413-268-8407
Williamstown Hampshire County Williamstown 413-458-8250
Wilmington Middlesex County Wilmington 978-657-7595
Winchendon Worcester County Winchendon 978-297-0415
Winthrop Suffolk County Winthrop 617-846-8538
Woburn Senior Center Middlesex County Woburn 781-937-7899
Yarmouth Elder Services Nutrition Site Barnstable County Yarmouth 508-398-5060
Zdorovie Senior Services Middlesex County Newton 617-795-0668