Caregiving MetroWest –is a program of BayPath Elder Services, Inc. information, resources, and support for MetroWest caregivers.
The site offers Information on all aspects of caregiving; "Caregiving is a complex and demanding undertaking. There are many elements involved in the caregiving role, and we’ve assembled some helpful information on a variety of areas of importance to caregivers.}
BayPath Elder Services, Inc
BayPath Elder Services, Inc. administers programs offering home care and related services enabling people to live independently and comfortably in their homes while promoting their well-being and dignity.
Many BayPath services are free, others are based on one's ability to pay, and some are offered on
a fee-for-service basis.
“This non-profitcorporation is organized to plan, develop and implement the coordination and delivery of services and supportive programs for persons sixty years of age and over unless otherwise restricted by conditions of grants or contracts, in the City of Marlborough, and the townships of Ashland, Holliston, Hopkinton, Dover, Sherborn, Natick, Framingham, Wayland, Sudbury, Hudson, Northborough , Southboro ugh and Westboro ugh , Massachusetts. The corporation shall endeavor to assist older persons to obtain services including but not limited to information and referral, homemaker and chore assistance, housing services, health maintenance and rehabilitation, nutritional services, legal and advocacy assistance , transportation, emergency assistance, and whatever medical or supportive services may be needed to prolong the life and well - being of older persons in the community and to prevent premature institutionalization.