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Monday, November 16, 2009

MIT Agelab | improving quality of life 4 older adults & caregivers.

AgeLab / Home
MIT Agelab developing "new ideas to improve the quality of life for older adults and those who care for them".


Aging: A Global Opportunity to Live Better

The world's population is aging at a staggering rate. The 50+ population is the fastest growing segment worldwide and predicted life-expectancies are at a historical high.

  • An American turns 50 once every seven seconds.
  • Within the next few years, 50% of the European Union's population will be 65+.
  • By 2030, in Italy, retirees will outnumber active workers.
  • By 2050, the median age in Thailand will rise to 50.

With advances in medicine, public policy and technology, people are not only living longer, but many are living better. Today's older adults are more educated and engage in more activities than previous generations, including work, leisure, learning, etc. The modern face of aging is one that expresses vitality and commands a greater quality of life. We must look at the demands of this population with open minds to new opportunities for innovation. Innovations from government, business, and research created for the older population will ultimately benefit all ages. An aging society is the opportunity to invent the future of healthy, active living.