A newsbasket is on-line Internet publication containing comprehensive aggregated collections of information.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Would a senior send $68,000 in cashier checks to Canada if phone call said they had won the Canadian Lottery?


Barbara McVicker is a national speaker, HR consultant, and author of Stuck in the Middle…shared stories and tips for caregiving your elderly parents.

Here she shares experiences:
Just when I thought it was finally time for me, the inevitable phone call came, shattering my well-planned life. My elderly parents needed me. A new chapter of my life was beginning, one for which I was totally unprepared. I did not know that I was now embarking on a ten year journey—taking care of my mom and dad.

For most people this phone call comes because Mom has fallen and landed in the emergency room with a broken hip. But my parents are not normal. My father had just sent $68,000 in cashier checks to Canada because he received a phone call saying that he had won the Canadian Lottery.

We midlife daughters may be totally prepared for child rearing, but we are thoroughly unprepared for caregiving aging parents. How can we be so naive as to think that we will not have to take on this new job with all of its conflicts and emotions?

gift choices | useful, needed and something won't complicate their lives.

TIME GOES BY | Gifts for Elders on Your List... by Ronni Bennett
Gifts for Seniors on Your List....and perhaps as hints for family members who might not know what you would like to have.

Friday, November 27, 2009

NH Roomate clashes

Nursing home clashes mar the golden years - The Boston Globe  Patricia Wen can be reached at wen@globe.com
Some nursing home residents instantly warm to their roommates, much like college freshmen who lucked out in the roommate draw. But for many, the adjustment can be profound. <snipped>

Nursing home roommates also bring special challenges. Roughly 80 percent of residents have some form of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, which causes memory lapses and sometimes delusions and paranoia. Between feuding roommates, a misplaced sock can turn into a larceny investigation; late-night snoring can become a sensory assault. Roommates can quickly get troubling reputations as “the roamer,’’ “the bathroom hog,’’ or “the attention-seeker.’’

Early intervention by trained staff is important to defuse tensions - even ward off physical confrontations.

A 2004 study by Harvard School of Public Health researchers, among others, was one of the first to identify this problem, finding that in one year, Massachusetts nursing homes reported some 300 cases of serious injuries, including fractures, cuts, and bruises, because of violence from fellow residents.

A study published last year found that “calling out or making noise’’ was identified as one of the most frequent triggers for “resident-to-resident aggression.’’ Dr. Mark Lachs at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, a coauthor of the study, said these conflicts are ubiquitous in nursing homes.

Researchers say the best way to maintain safety in a nursing home is to offer strong day-to-day enrichment programming, which engages the residents. And creative solutions often reduce conflicts.
Elder-care advocates note, however, that Massachusetts regulations prohibit a nursing home resident from being evicted from a room for just any reason; the staff must identify safety or health issues. A nursing home “is a home,’’ and a person’s bedroom is a key part of that home, said W. Scott Plumb, senior vice president of public policy at the Massachusetts Senior Care Association.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

By 2030, we will need 36,000 geriatricians.

Caring for the elderly - The Boston Globe
Geriatric medicine cuts across all diseases that contribute to the functional problems an older adult might have. An older patient typically goes from one specialist to another, with each doctor treating a single problem, but often not looking at the patient as a whole. The patient may receive treatment, but quality-of-life goals are rarely discussed.

In contrast, the geriatrician often sits with three (or more) individuals: the patient, the patient’s spouse, and an adult child. Together they present a medical history and, often, a list of medications prescribed by different doctors. Medicare pays the geriatrician a small fraction of the true cost spent with the patient, taking a history, examining the patient, ordering appropriate tests, making a diagnosis, and developing a treatment plan. Following the visit, the geriatrician reviews laboratory studies, talks to family members and other doctors, organizes rehabilitative and social services, completes applications for supportive housing, renews medications . . . and gets paid nothing for this work.

Ironically, geriatricians actually save health care dollars by planning ahead; avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations, tests, medications, and treatments; reducing hospitalization and surgical complications; shortening lengths of stay; and facilitating the safe transfer of patients to appropriate rehabilitation settings and care at home. President Obama’s health care bill would, at least, require Medicare to cover counseling sessions so that physicians can develop appropriate care plans with their elderly patient

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Private Duty Home Care | NPDA

Private duty home care, elder care, home health care, private duty nursing, NPDA, National Private Duty Association
Private duty home care agencies are companies that provide home care aides, companion care, homemaker services and may provide nursing services in the client's home or place of residence. "Private duty" means private pay. In other words, no government monies are used for the cost of care. The most common methods for covering the cost of private duty home care is through long term care insurance benefits, out of pocket, or other types of savings arrangements.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The disconnect of where U live & access to stores, doctors, recreation, and related activity centers.

AgeLab / Projects / Independent Living and Caregiving

AgeLab researchers, in collaboration with the MIT Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning, are conducting an assessment of available services to baby boomers and older adults in suburban areas. Using geographical information systems (GIS), researchers are identifying the disconnect of where we live and the access we have to stores, doctors, recreation, and related activity centers.

MIT Agelab | improving quality of life 4 older adults & caregivers.

AgeLab / Home
MIT Agelab developing "new ideas to improve the quality of life for older adults and those who care for them".


Aging: A Global Opportunity to Live Better

The world's population is aging at a staggering rate. The 50+ population is the fastest growing segment worldwide and predicted life-expectancies are at a historical high.

  • An American turns 50 once every seven seconds.
  • Within the next few years, 50% of the European Union's population will be 65+.
  • By 2030, in Italy, retirees will outnumber active workers.
  • By 2050, the median age in Thailand will rise to 50.

With advances in medicine, public policy and technology, people are not only living longer, but many are living better. Today's older adults are more educated and engage in more activities than previous generations, including work, leisure, learning, etc. The modern face of aging is one that expresses vitality and commands a greater quality of life. We must look at the demands of this population with open minds to new opportunities for innovation. Innovations from government, business, and research created for the older population will ultimately benefit all ages. An aging society is the opportunity to invent the future of healthy, active living.

these newfangled brain games

The quest to stop the brain drain - The Boston Globe
Snyder said, “I really worry these companies are taking advantage of the average consumer’s concerns about their own health.’’

It wouldn’t be the first time products boasting brain benefits surged in popularity before research raised questions about the claims. The makers of “Baby Einstein’’ in September announced refunds after studies found that the popular videos didn’t actually produce baby geniuses. The product was hyped for more than a decade for its perceived ability to improve infants’ vocabulary.

Now, a growing chorus of researchers is calling for more and better studies of the brain games marketed for people heading toward the other end of the age curve.

“Many of the products may not be ready for prime time, but the science is still developing,’’ said Joe Coughlin, director of the MIT AgeLab, a center that designs and develops new products for adults over 45.

Coughlin believes some carefully designed brain games may be useful in keeping specific skills sharp. Right now, he’s evaluating the effectiveness of a computer software product that is marketed to baby boomers to help them sharpen driving skills by improving focus, reaction time, and memory. While Coughlin is optimistic that some brain games may be proven effective, he is less convinced that Americans will have the fortitude to stick with them

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Retirement Community 60Plus | Google Groups

Retirement Community 60Plus | Google Groups
Conversations about retirement, making friends, sharing advice, living your dreams, discussing traveling. A online meeting place for those who have retired and for those thinking of retiring. What better place to discuss retirement than a group such as this one.

Think of this group as a retirees people to people network for you!
Anybody can view group content
Viewers can request an invitation to join
Only members can post and participate.
Messages from new members are moderated to limit noise.

This is not a forum for sales pitches and product commercials.

Story Telling By the Flickr of the Global Campfire «V Tchcruiser's Blog

Web 2.0 – Story Telling By the Flickr of the Global Campfire « Tchcruiser's Blog
Web 2.0 – Story Telling By the Flickr of the Global Campfire

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Coaching someone who has never used a computer before

BBC - Wales - Ten things to show someone who has never used a computer before
As digital storyteller Huw Davies often tells novices: "What you need to be able to do is: open a file, do what you want to it, then save it somewhere where you'll be able to find it later."

Digital Storytelling

BBC - Wales - A Guide to Digital Storytelling
A Guide to Digital Storytelling PDF

These guides are written for those helping others to make digital stories but most of the guidance is still relevant if you're making your own story.

The Ideal Digital Storytelling Venue
Briefing Participants
Finding the Story
Getting the Story Down on Paper
Refining and Completing the Story
Tips on Publishing your Story
Any List for Digital Storytellers
Equipment checklist
Ten things to show someone who has never used a computer before
Taking Digital Photos
Audio and Voice Recording for Digital Storytelling
How to Edit your Digital Story
Sharing Digital Stories

Sunday, November 8, 2009

National Family Caregivers Association

National Family Caregivers Association
About NFCA

The National Family Caregivers Association educates, supports, empowers and speaks up for the more than 50 million Americans who care for loved ones with a chronic illness or disability or the frailties of old age. NFCA reaches across the boundaries of diagnoses, relationships and life stages to help transform family caregivers' lives by removing barriers to health and well being.

National Family Caregivers Month November 2009

NFC Month is organized annually by the National Family Caregivers Association as a time each year to thank, support, educate and empower family caregivers. "This year we are encouraging people to speak up during National Family Caregivers Month,"said Suzanne Mintz, NFCA president and CEO.

The Caregiver Story Project: The NFCA "Caregiver Story Project" is an opportunity for family caregivers to share their caregiving journeys and to learn from and help one another. We are especially interested in caregiver experiences related to the financial strain of caregiving and any difficulties you have had with the healthcare system, including frustrations coordinating your loved one’s care with all of the many healthcare professionals with whom you are involved.

E-Communities: Connecting family caregivers directly to other family caregivers in their own cities and states to share information and resources.

Friday, November 6, 2009

National Conference on Positive Aging Eckerd College 12.7-9.09

Conference Themes - Eckerd College
Conference Themes

Recognized experts in the field of aging will lead plenary sessions and concurrent workshops, discussions, demonstrations, and experiential activities in four general theme areas:

* Life Transitions
* Creativity
* Wellness
* Community

Under those general themes, leaders and attendees will explore sub-themes including lifelong learning, intergenerational learning, spirituality and religion, technology, diversity, public policy, international developments, life planning, civic engagement, encore careers, and others.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Elderly Home Care | Option for Elder Care by Tyler Moon

Elderly Home Care: Best Option for Elder Care - Elderly Care

Tyler Moon wrote on ElderCare http://ow.ly/15ZzBP
Locating elderly home care service becomes an easy job, if you take the help of Internet. You can also ask your friends and colleagues about the numerous types of services available with home care. But it would be sensible, if you hold a conversation with your elderly loved one before taking the service of elder home care. With this conversation, you will be able to know about the preferences of near one and avail the service accordingly.

It is a pity that many senior citizens are moved to nursing-homes or hospitals, who might just require helping hand in running daily tasks of life. The solution to this type of problems lies in the hand of elderly home care services. Senior citizens, who need non-medical support, are also benefitted from this service. Senior home care services can provide a substitute to long-term care.

Since, in most of the cases working persons are unable to give adequate time, the variant services of the senior home care service works as a good alternative. These services include light housekeeping, meal preparation, errands and shopping, respite care, meditation assistance, hygiene assistance to name a few.

The longer period senior citizen spends time at their own home, they will stay healthy both physically and mentally. Take advantage of elderly home care to ensure a better life of your elderly loved one.

Tyler Moon is an expert in article writing and internet marketing. She regularly contributes articles on various topics like security services, birth announcements etc.
Senior Health Care Services

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Beware of free credit reports that aren’t really free

Don’t get fooled again: freecreditreport.com aims to make you spend money - The Boston GlobeBy Michelle Singletary singletarym@washpost.com
Safe.. go to www.annualcreditreport.com. NOT freecreditreport.com

{don't be} fooled by those clever commercials for freecreditreport.com with the goofy guy playing a guitar complaining about how his life is messed up because he didn’t check his credit report.

But the Federal Trade Commission has received many complaints from consumers who were misdirected from the official site. Every consumer is entitled to a free credit report every 12 months from each of the three nationwide consumer reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

In an effort to help keep consumers from ending up on imposter sites or falling for promotions for free credit reports that aren’t really free, the FTC is seeking public comment on proposed rules. You have a chance to weigh in.

Transfers to Disabled Children

About : New Jersey Estate Planning & Elder Law Blog
Deirdre R. Wheatley-Liss is a shareholder of the Law Firm of Fein, Such, Kahn & Shepard, P.C., with offices in Parsippany and Toms River, New Jersey. She concentrates her practice in the areas of Elder Law, Estate Planning and Administration, Business Planning and Tax Law.

New Case Clarifies Transfers to Disabled Children Exeception to Mediciad Penalties

by Deirdre Wheatley-Liss  November 3, 2009

Her blog has long list of lawyers' blogs.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Health Care for All __ assistance in 17 languages.

Health care hot line helps people in 17 languages - The Boston Globe
Uninsured, and with no training in health care, Kate Bicego seemed an unlikely candidate four years ago to staff a hot line that connects callers to care. But the eager young recruit from rural Illinois had passion, curiosity, and fluency in Spanish, which is critical for what she’s doing now. The 28-year-old runs the hot line at Health Care for All (800-272-4232, 617-350-7279, www.hcfama.org), a large Boston-based consumer group that helps roughly 3,200 callers a month navigate an increasingly complex health care system. As consumers face a dizzying array of choices and rules

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Study of need for services when reaching age 65

Comparing Costs For In-Home Care, Nursing Homes, RCFE Assisted Living And Adult Day Care | Elder Care Residential Services
A 2008 long term care study done by Prudential insurance has some surprising information regarding the costs of care for services needed as we age. This is information is important to assist in making plans for the “golden years”.

The study shows that the average cost of a nursing home can exceed $70,000 a year for a semi private room. A break down of the daily charges is $194 per day. A private room can exceed $79,000 a year or $217 a day. These costs will, of course depend on the area of the country you live in. Some areas will be more and some less. It was also noted that there has been a 7% increase in the cost of living in a nursing home over the past 2 years. Nursing home costs have had an increase of over 30% in the past 5 years.

Assisted living facilities have seen the greatest increase in costs over the past 2 years. The average for living in an assisted living facility rose to nearly $39,000 per year. This is an average daily charge of just over $100 per day.

There was an average of a 15% increase in rates for the assisted living facility that provide care for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.

In -home care has had the smallest increase rate of all the service providers. The rate of in-home care has had an increase of 5% over the past two years and only 17% over the past 7 years.

The average cost for a certified nursing assistant providing in-home care is $21 per hour. The services provided by a certified nursing assistant are bathing, dressing and care provided under the supervision of a register nurse. These services are ordered by a physician and generally covered by insurance. These services are only provided intermittently and for a limited amount of time.

The 2008 Genworth Financial study of cost of care also covers the non skilled in home care. This is a growing segment of the in-home care services, as many individuals want to remain in their homes as long as possible.

The average cost for homemaker services is $18 an hour. The rate of these services has increased by 4% over the last year. A homemaker provides companionship, light housekeeping duties, assistance with cooking and running small errands.

In- home care also provides home health aides. These individuals are able to provide basic assistance with personal care, but are not permitted to perform and medical tasks.

The average rate of a home health aide is $19 an hour. This is an increase of 3% over the past year.

This lengthy article is well worth the read. http://ow.ly/15YGwf

NOTE: they show average values, you will find costs in your area may differ wildly.

I suggest following the blog http://ow.ly/15YGwf provided by:

Elder Care Residential Services

Mailing address:
610 Cypress Street
Pismo Beach, CA 93449
FAX: 805-473-4704

Cell: 805-452-3225 9am TO 5pm Pacific Time
