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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Minorities's; resistance to seeking AD assistance | related issues

A Psychoeducational Model for Hispanic Alzheimer's Disease Caregivers -- Morano and Bravo 42 (1): 122 -- The Gerontologist
Extract for discussion:

There is a growing body of literature that examines the use of formal services by minorities, and more specifically by Hispanics <snipped> The extensive use of informal support, such as family members, has been suggested as one reason why Hispanics underuse formal services . structural barriers, such as limited access to multilingual case managers or office locations, that discourage the use of formal in-home services by elderly Latinos.; the discretionary nature of social services were additional barriers to Hispanics' use of formal services. Restrictive hours, such as being open only during the traditional hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and the location of agency offices are two structural barriers limiting use by Hispanic caregivers ;limited income and lack of insurance as additional structural barriers.

Discrimination and language barriers, particularly for older and less acculturated Hispanics, have also been suggested as reasons why Hispanics underuse formal services . In addition to the suggested barriers that limit use of formal services, the caregivers' perception of the illness could also limit intervention participation . The belief that AD is a mental illness or that nothing will help could also affect a caregiver's willingness to seek assistance. Fabrega found that Hispanics' negative perception of mental illness and psychological services increased their resistance to seeking assistance.
The Gerontologist 42:122-126 (2002)
© 2002 The Gerontological Society of America
A Psychoeducational Model for Hispanic Alzheimer's Disease Caregivers
Carmen L. Morano, PhDa and Marina Bravo, LCSWb
Correspondence: Carmen L. Morano, PhD, University of Maryland, School of Social Work, 525 West Redwood Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. E-mail: cmorano@ssw.umaryland.edu.

Decision Editor: Eleanor S. McConnell, RN, PhD