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Friday, September 4, 2009

Everyone Over 80 Should Be On Facebook

3 Reasons Everyone Over 80 Should Be On Facebook
HealthBridge's In-Home Care Blog

"HealthBridge's In-Home Care Blog covers all aspects of family caregiving support - How-To Articles, Caregiving Tips, Alzheimer's Care and more."

"1. Long Lost Connections Return. It's true. As soon as you sign up for Facebook, you reconnect with someone from high school. If your graduating class consisted of ten kids, I'll guarantee at least one of them sends you a friend request on day one. People love connections - especially long lost connections. A reconnection with an old friend or an out of touch relative will make your loved one's day."

"2. Baby Pictures. Octogenarians have grandkids and great grandkids. The fact is, most new parents nowadays haven't "developed" a picture in a decade. The pictures of their kids aren't in albums on shelves, they're in albums online. Each time the great grandkids do something cute, their parents post the pic on Facebook for their friends. Your loved ones will absolutely love to check in every day and see the new pictures."

"3. Facebook Promotes Brain Health. Well, not just Facebook, but new and interesting activities do improve the brain. As we've written about before, octogenarians who spend time on new activities ward off mental decline better than others. It's likely that Facebook and the internet will be a new, challenging activity for your mom or dad...which is a good thing. They'll have a compelling reason to return (did I mention baby pictures) and they'll stay sharp while they learn."

"So, open up Facebook and help your loved ones create an account. While you're at it, become a fan of HealthBridge. Our online elder care community has over 200 members now, which goes to show you, Facebook is not just for kids anymore."

"Are your octogenarian loved ones on Facebook?"

"HealthBridge is a Dallas Home Care company designed to help your family simplify the care of your aging loved ones by providing dependable caregivers and impeccable service."

"HealthBridge simplifies senior care by providing families with a library of home care resources including the Dallas In-Home Care Guide. "