A newsbasket is on-line Internet publication containing comprehensive aggregated collections of information.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Jewish Family Service of Metrowest (JFS) social, health and community services to people in need.

Our Services | ElderCare: Home

We provide a wide range of services to the elderly, helping clients maintain independence and self-esteem, address present needs, and plan for the future. Caregivers need support too! You and your family members have enormous demands on your time and energy. We'll help relieve your worries. Guidance, support, and concrete services are provided at the highest personal and professional standards, helping your relative age with dignity.

Here is a great article on the growing elder care crisis in America today and how Baby Boomers are now the primary caregivers to their aging parents. Click here to read more.

Our Mission
Nuestros Servicios
Care Management
Home Care
Healthy Partners
Friendly Visitors
Patient Navigator

Services | Metrowest Accounting and Tax Solutions :: Babineau CPA, LLC

Services | Metrowest Accounting and Tax Solutions :: Babineau CPA, LLC: Babineau CPA offers a complete range of accounting services. Some of our clients engage us for “full cycle” bookkeeping: recording cash receipts and disbursements, reconciling bank statements, preparing payroll and preparing monthly financial statements. Other clients hire us for part of this process. We work with each client on an individual basis to develop custom solutions for a common goal: creating and maintaining an accounting system that allows the clients to efficiently and profitably operate their business.

Our firm can prepare financial statements for use by banks, investors or simply to help business owners manage their business.
Tax Preparation, Planning and Representation

We prepare federal and state individual, partnership, corporate and fiduciary income tax returns for clients all over the country. Our goal is to see that our clients pay the legal minimum amount of tax.

Besides assisting clients with federal and state tax filing requirements, we also offer tax planning services. We help clients project potential future tax liabilities, develop strategies for minimizing tax burdens, and plan for adequate cash flows to satisfy tax debts.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Caregivers' Newsbasket Blog

Caregivers' Newsbasket Blog: Caregivers' Newsbasket Blog

Ish's, Ishmael's, Knowledge Network: News, Articles. Items of interest to Carers and Caregivers dealing with Alzheimer's Disease and ElderCare

Friday, September 27, 2013

inflatable moving and handling and bathing equipment

About - Mangar | Mangar - - page.php: Established in 1981, Mangar International is a world leader in the design, manufacture and supply of inflatable moving and handling and bathing equipment. We are an award winning company who serve a global healthcare market.

To enable people to retain their independence and dignity
To reduce strain and injury risk for carers

We achieve these by designing products and rehabilitation equipment for disabled and elderly people to help with everyday tasks such as getting in and out of bed, taking a bath, and lifting a fallen person from the floor.

 Elk Inflatable Emergency Lifting Cushion  approx: $2300.00

Elk Lifting Cushion

The Mangar Elk is a lifting cushion designed to lift a person from the floor with the help of only one person

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

An Interview with Jaime Estremera-Fitzgerald about Area Agencies on Aging

An Interview with Jaime Estremera-Fitzgerald: Jaime Estremera-Fitzgerald: Area Agencies on Aging were set up to oversee the whole older Americans Act system, which is really to keep having support and services available in every county in America for seniors and their caregivers as they age in place. That’s the key. And the mission has always been to keep people at home for as long as possible, with dignity and independence.

The new designation of Aging and Disability Resource Centers speaks to a whole national movement of bringing together all the pieces that older Americans are involved with as they age. And many Americans in this country have children that are disabled, who themselves have aged quite a bit. They may even be seniors. And guess what? The seniors, the parents or family members are now older themselves and they’re developing problems and needs.

Coping with Death for Carers and Professionals

Coping with Death for Carers and Professionals: Coping with death is something we have to learn to do.....

Grief and Sympathy is written by , Elizabeth Postle (usually known as Betty). The site  is built and edited by Lesley Postle .

When you join the caring professions, whether as a nurse or a doctor, a paramedic, or a police officer, you are going to have to accept that you will come across death in your line of work.

Your roles are some of the most rewarding in the world, and you will gain immense satisfaction working in the caring professions. But coping with death is something that we have to learn to do. It is not easy, but by supporting each other, we can learn to deal with it and stay positive.

There are many emotional highs and lows in our jobs. When someone recovers or is rescued from a dangerous position, you will feel on top of the world. Other days, you will have some terrible lows when someone dies or is badly injured. You will have to cope with many grieving relatives and people in shock. It is never easy.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Interior Organization | Clear the Clutter and Simplify Life

Interior Organization | Clear the Clutter and Simplify Life

 Interior Organization is a Professional Organization Firm providing organizing services and products to residential and commercial clients in the Greater Detroit Area.  Our goal is to provide exceptional Professional Organizing services to our clients by restoring function and accessibility to spaces both small and large. We help put the joy back into places that have been a source of stress or disfunction.

 Holly Amato holly@interiororganization.com